deKay's Lofi Gaming

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies: Turnabout Reclaimed (3DS): COMPLETED!

This DLC, self-contained case was released for Phoenix Wright 5 (yes, I know that’s not the title, but look at this post’s title – huuuuge!!) last week, and, having just finished the main game I was eager for more and immediately downloaded it. £3.99 seemed like peanuts for more Phoenix. And it was. I’ve just finished it, and it’s certainly one of the more… out there Phoenix trials. I mean, you just have to look at that picture there to …

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (3DS): COMPLETED!

That final case was all over the place. Not least when the real villain was revealed, and then that person was really revealed. Twists and turns everywhere, which pretty much nobody being quite what I expected. And that’s it! More than 23 hours, making it the longest Phoenix Wright game by around 5 hours. Not bad considering this one is more streamlined than the others. But it’s not over yet! Capcom announced a DLC extra chapter this week, and that’s due …

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (3DS)

So, so good. The plots in these cases are just so well thought out. The way Apollo/Athena/Phoenix suddenly turn an inescapable “guilty” verdict into the exact opposite by reversing the way the murder could have been committed is always masterful. The drama in the courtroom is tense, and the buildups to the end of each case are as adrenalin fuelled as much as any FPS boss battle. Not bad for an interactive story about lawyers… This evening I finished up …

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies (3DS)

It was touch and go for a while as to whether this game would even see light of day in the West. After all, the series is not as popular as it once was, and the two “interim spin-offs” starring Edgeworth were not well received. In fact, the second of these remained Japan-only. Thankfully, a Capcom saw sense, and even though it’s an eShop exclusive, here it is. Capcom have done a fantastic job of updating the visuals for the …

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: CASE CLOSED!

After a somewhat marathon session on this today, some four hours or so, at least, I completed it! There are no end of twists and turns and stuff, and some double bluffing and lies upon lies, but I saw through them and won. I did, however, mess up at a critical point near the end and gave away some evidence at the wrong time, which ended the game. Bah. But I won the next time!

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

This chapter seem to go on for ever! I’ve just been through the courtroom section of the second day, but it took aaaaaaaages. I’m sure I spent about two hours on it. I think the length of the game is mainly due to the huge amount of text that requires reading, but I messed up the cross-examination a few times so ended up having to redo it. Tch. Anyway. Only half of the final chapter left!

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Blimey. This final case is a bit long! I’ve spent hours on it this evening, and not only is it more complicated than the previous ones, but you get new “investigating powers” (like examining objects in 3D and stuff). And it’s really long. I’m expecting it to be three days of trial (like most of the other cases), but so far I’ve spent several hours doing detective work and haven’t really started in the courts yet. And this Angel Starr …

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Well into Case 4 now, and have completed my first day in court against the evil von Karma prosecution lawyer. He’s a bit scary. There’s not a lot I can say about the case really, without spoiling stuff again. I can say that it involves a murder on a boat, on a lake. And a Loch Ness Monster type side-story. And a giant inflatable Samurai. Just picked up some more clues from the crime scene too. Another day in court …

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Spent most of today with the third case. It is much longer than either of the first two, and quite a bit more complicated. There’s this great character you meet – a director called Sal Manella, who talks in 1337 speak all the time. He’s hilarious. Again, I won’t spoilt it for you if you haven’t played it, but rest assured there are more twists than a twisted up twisty thing twisting around.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Like Atari MagiMix Sexy Razor Happy Girls 10 Game below, this game also arrived today. And, it too was on offer from Play Asia. I missed out when it first came out as I was worried it might be a little bit dull. I mean, it’s a game about lawyers, right? How wrong I was. I played through the first trial this evening – I was defending a friend who was framed for murder. There were plenty of plot twists, …

Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice (DS): COMPLETED!

It would actually appear that the point I saved at yesterday was actually immediately before the final conversation in the game, so technically I completed it then. It took me ages (a couple of months, I think) to finish, but it’s not through lack of interest – more lack of time. I played it for 20 to 30 minutes a night, most nights, for that time. Anyway, the verdict on the game? Excellent. It’s Phoenix Wright only different only the …